Sunday, October 19, 2008


So, what with today being the last day of national knitting week an' all, i reckon its jolly well time for a knitting (& crotchet) themed post.

These knitted condoms were made for a friend's birthday. i wouldn't recommend them as an effective form of birth control, but i would definitely recommend knitting a couple, as they're super quick and easy, and rather silly too!

Using 4mm needles and 4 ply wool
cast on 22 stitches,
knit 36 rows (or add a few more for a larger size...)
knit 2 tog for the next 2 rows (leaving you with 6 stitches)
knit 2 rows
knit 2 tog (leaving you with 3 stitches)
thread the end of the wool through the remaining stitches and pull tight.
sew the sides together - and you're done!

You can also add some special touches by knitting a few of the purl rows, to give a ribbed effect!

And in other news: crotched squares!

Since debbie's crochet masterclass on the beach last month, i have been on a mission to crochet a whole blanket, which has been going a little slower than i initially anticipated, but anyway, yes, this is my progress so far!

Sadly, at this rate, it will be more like summer by the time i have finished, so i will just have to get chilly this winter, but goodness, am i looking forward to next winter already!


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