Friday, November 30, 2007


so, yes.yes.yes i know i've been a little slack with updates of late, but i've been a little on the busy side, and i dont quite have time for a substantial update now, but i promise that there is one to come just as soon as i have time to put everything together.
in the mean time, this is a cake paul and i made for my friend louise. she was supposed to be having an operation, but somebody broke the sterilisation equipment so it all got postponed. which is probably a good thing in terms of the cake. i forgot about the whole "nil-by-mouth" thing before operations, and the cake would have gone stale by the time she got back home, so yes, at least this way she got to eat it...!
Louise has decided to blog her experiences of her ACL reconstruction so that others in her position can know what to expect from the procedure, you can find her over at a right ruddy hoot. fabulous. :o)

and that is all for now,
but yes, soon... soon there will be more.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

concertina people :o)

whilst experimenting to see if i could vectorize my drawings in illustrator, i decided to develop the fruits of my labour into a sort of concertina creation... yes, i have no other words for what it has become, but nonetheless it is rather nice to look at...!

yesterday, after having birthday lunch with my mum in town, we visited Ruislip's offerings in terms of charity shops. Oxfam, Cancer Research, Scope, the lot! (what a fabulous way to spend one's birthday...!)
but yes, i got this odd little keychain for 50p. its rather sweet really. a wooden apple core...! how handy!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

stamp stamp stamp

so, yes, ive been playing around with rubbers... trying to make my own stamps. carving images out with a thin blade... im not sure im equipped with the most suitable apparatus, but for now i'm just making do with what's at hand...!

i think they've turned out rather nicely actually..!


Monday, November 12, 2007

birthday eve

hoorah hoorah o yes. o yes.
t'is indeed my birthday tomorrow, (making today my birthday eve...!) which is naturally extremely exciting, hence the eagerness to show off these lovely little wooden happy birthday stickers i came across in hawkins bazaar. fabulous indeed!

on friday night james, ben and i had a 3-in-1 birthday bash at juno in shoreditch and it was super lovely to see everybody's friends all together again. i got each of us a cupcake and a different coloured candle to match instead of having to lug a whole birthday cake up there, and with that in mind, below is the card i made for the two boys: (one of them had a blue one, the other had green, and this matched with the ribbon on their gifts...) :o)

i bought james Rob Ryan's new book "this is for you" and fell so much in love with it that i had to buy myself a copy too...! ive been wanting to post pictures of it ever since i bought it about a month ago, but had to wait until james had recieved his. so finally... here we are!

all the shapes, the words and the pictures are cut out of paper. its the most beutiful intricate thing ever! i love it!
and the story is so sweet. all about a boy trying to uderstand what love is and searching for his someone to love. :o)

Rob Ryan's blog is one that i have been following for a while, its cram packed with his beautiful papercuts, plus, his printed tiles are lovely and you can pick them up from his etsy shop. fabulous.


Tuesday, November 06, 2007


t'was a good friend's birthday a while back, but i only just got the chance to give him his gifts last night over fireworks and boardgames. he's a big radiohead fan, and lots of their songs remind me of him and of the times we used to spend together, so when i found stanley donwood's new book "dead children playing", (not the most friendly title really... but i promise its a really really lovely picture book full of donwood's finest illustrations.) it seemed the perfect gift. To go with the book i transformed the little bear from the kid a art work into a soft toy, which went down a treat :o) hoorah!


Thursday, November 01, 2007

just a quickie...

'tis my lovely mother's birthday tomorrow so i made her a little cuddly owl for the occasion, to go with some lovely.lovely penhaligons bluebell scented goodies. :o) yum.yum.yummm.
and yupppp, heres the card toooooo:

and in other, older news, my littlest sister passed her driving test last week, so, of course, a card was called for to celebrate this momentus feat. she may welll be ready for the road... but lets just hope the road is ready for her...!
