Thursday, September 17, 2009

I love Whitby

I &hearts Whitby

Last weekend, Paul and I headed off up north as a pre-birthday (his, not mine) treat. I managed to strike a deal for us each to choose how one day was spent. His choice: Middlesbrough (football - how did i not see that one coming?!) and my choice: Whitby. So, super sunny Saturday was spent in a crowded football stadium, and grey, miserable Sunday was spent at the beach. Of course! But nevertheless, we had a jolly ol' time both days.

Whitby was lovely. Extremely busy for a cold, wet, Sunday, but lovely all the same. We saw seagulls, coloured beach huts, the sea, boats, the 199 steps, a fortune teller, tea shops, fudge shops, fish and chip shops, a very odd knitting shop/church, and we even treated ourselves to a bit of culture with an audio tour of Whitby Abbey.

(More photos on my flickr)

We had such a lovely time that I'm rather sad to be back in the south. I even got used to driving over the winding, meandering moors, breaking for the sheep who wander out into the roads, and the complete lack of street lights ANYWHERE!

Lets go back soon please!

1 comment: said...

Hi!hmm,first of all.i would say that i really do adore your art works.all of it is really cool.i dont know since when i started to save most of your arts.and i use them as my
so,i need a little help from you,if you dont mind. (:
so,me myself is a senior high school girl 3rd year which mean im gonna graduate on july next year.and each class in our school were given a chance to create their own class logo and decorate our class by the time.and we find it so hard to make a logo.since,one of my friend is a really good user of photoshop, but she really doesnt have a taste.and the logo was turned out so ugly.we tried to fix it but our teacher didnt agree any of,the first person i thought would have the great taste and make us a gorgeous logo would be,if you dont mind,could you help us out?the logo must be submitted by the early of november. thanks a bunchh!