Sunday, December 04, 2011

Need a little Christmas

After 20 odd years of leaving Christmas until the last minute, I've finally cracked it over the last couple of years! I'm really nearly ready, although not completely, so I probably shouldn't start with the celebrations just yet. I have 2 more gifts left to get, wrapping to do and stockings to finish making. Then I'm done...!

The Christmas cards I designed came back from the printers looking lovely. Now I just need to get them written... thats another job for the list then...!

We've also got the decorations up, having spent a fortune in M&S, whose christmas range is pretty ace this year. I'm also very happy to bang out the knitted letter and wooden snowflake decorations I picked up in Target whilst in Florida.

The tree and ten ton of fairy lights makes the living room super cosy, helped along by christmas music - I am loving the she & him christmas album, and the Slow Club Christmas EP too. I'm still making my mind up on Smith & Burrows' Funny Looking Angels,, but am rather disappointed by Emmy the Great's offering with Tim Wheeler... odd. Very odd. Anyhoo, must press on. Christmas doesn't do itself...!


Laura Trevey said...

Just found your blog, and I am loving these holiday photos... so festive and cheerful.

xoxo Laura

Anonymous said...
