Wednesday, October 17, 2007


so, the other day, my mum and i took on the monstrous task that was sorting out the mountains of toys and board games piled up in the play room. a lot of them dont really get used anymore, and they were just taking up space, so we dutifully organised them into 4 piles: keep, jumble, charity shop and rubbish.
so, of course there were some fabulous finds amongst the buckets of lego, heaps of sylvanian families (aw!) and multiple copies of scrable...
the most exciting of all being a box full of hama beads! hoorah! so naturally i got straight to work..!

(just as a warning; there will be a post sometime in the near future showcasing my many hama bead creations, especially thanks to the discovery of the hama bead inspiration group on flickr... yesyesyes!)

the cats were looking a little bemused as we lugged 12 (yes, 12!!!) black sacks downstairs, and migrated to the sewing room for some peace and quiet...

thats cleo...

and this is oli. the naughty one... but he was being uncharacteristically sensible here... funny little thing..!

ta raa for now...


Christine Clemmensen said...

Haha -- What a coinsidence. I just had a Hama-flip-out myself yesterday, (and posted it on my blog today). How nice to bumb in to a fellow Hama fan.
Actually, I stopped by to tell you I think your IF:Extremes is really beautiful:)

Annie Wang said...

your kittens are adorable!